The Sociable Kitchen® by Kvik
As a company that makes and sells Danish design kitchens in 180+ stores in 13 countries, we think a lot about Danish design. In our first series, we’re going to be taking a closer look at Danish design - talking to designers, artists, activists and thinkers who will help us figure out where Danish design has been and where it’s headed.
So, if you’re curious about Danish design, come along for the ride.
Our feed also contains stories from some of our talented franchisees around Europe. If you're looking for a franchise opportunity with great products and lots of support, have a listen and get inspired.
The Sociable Kitchen® by Kvik
1: Meet our Franchisees — Kvik Hamburg Altstadt
Ralph and Mai Nissen opened Kvik Hamburg Altstadt in July 2021. In this episode, we talk to them about how they dared to be the first store on the German market and how they made the transition from selling clothing and shoes to selling kitchens.
If you're interested in becoming a Kvik franchisee, check the opportunities on our website:
DK: https://www.kvik.dk/karriere/rekruttering-af-franchisetagere
BENL: https://www.kvik.be/nl-be/loopbaan/rekrutering-franchisenemers
BEFR: https://www.kvik.be/fr-be/carriere/recrutement-en-franchise
NL: https://www.kvik.nl/carriere/werving-voor-franchisenemers
UK: https://www.kvik.co.uk/career/franchise-recruitment
FI: https://www.kvik.fi/ura/franchising-rekrytointi
DE: https://www.kvik.de/beruf-und-karriere/franchise-partnerschaften
NO: https://www.kvik.no/karriere/rekruttering-av-franchisetakere
ES: https://www.kvik.es/carrera-profesional/contratacion-de-franquicias
SE: https://www.kvik.se/karriaer/vi-soeker-franchisetagare